Join thousands of individuals taking their financial power back by leveraging the exact tool and method I used to grow my net worth from the negatives to $100K by 25!

Are you ready to level up your finances so you can budget better, earn more, and reach your 6-figure savings goals? 

Join thousands of like-minded individuals taking their financial power back. Use the exact spreadsheet and method that took me from a negative $30,000 net worth to a $100K by age 25.

Join thousands of like-minded individuals taking their financial power back. Use the exact spreadsheet and method that took me from a negative $30,000 net worth to a $100K by age 25.

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Real Talk: How To Stand Up For What You Believe In

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Go from feeling overwhelmed and lost with your money to feeling confident, clear, and in control of your financial future. 

"I can't even explain how life changing the PFD is for our marriage. I feel so much calmer being able to see everything so clearly." - Danielle

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Visualize Your Goals

Here's a peak inside.....

The comprehensive dashboard feature allows you to set goals and visually monitor your progress over the course of the year! You get an Income, Expense, Savings, and Net Worth Report updated with all of your personal financial information!

Build Your Own Plan

Having a plan in place puts you in the drivers seat of your financial future. Map out where your money is going and ensure you can reach your goals using a zero-based 3-bucket budget!

Create a 360° View

Personal finance goes BEYOND simply tracking your income and expenses. Get a birds-eye view of your financial progress by tracking your Net Worth and watch your finances grow!

Measure Your Success

Review your monthly insights at a glance and work through a monthly money review all in one place. Set your monthly goals, work through your self-reflection, and monitor your progress for easy adjustments and financial decision-making!

Customize Your Insights

Personal finance is personal! Track what YOU want by customizing your categories, from essential expenses, non-essential expenses, income, savings, investments, and debt. Plus you can set your annual goals based on what you choose to measure. 

...and so much more!



  • A downloadable and comprehensive planning spreadsheet that provides you a 360° view of your finances. It can be used in Google Sheets or Excel. 

  • A fully customizable plan: you create the categories and set your own savings, investment, and debt payoff goals.

  • A monthly and annual budget planner so you can allocate your money following my signature zero-based three-bucket budgeting method.

  • An income and expense tracker, making it easy to keep track of how much money you are earning and spending. 

  • Four progress logs to track your progress towards your saving, investment, and debt-payoff goals (including a credit card debt payoff tracker!)

  • A net worth tracker, because this is the most important measure of your wealth!

  • Monthly snapshots that provide and overview of your spending and saving for each month, alongside a template to follow for your monthly money review accountability. 

  • A financial snapshot, so you can take inventory of your financial situation and use it to guide the entire planning and goal-setting process.

  • In depth set-up tutorial and FAQ video tutorials, so you can ensure you are set up for easy maintenance and optimal insight

  • Access to a private Facebook community to collaborate with and learn from other like-minded PFD users on their financial journeys!

  • Lifetime Access: you can rinse + repeat the process forever! (PLUS ACCESS TO ALL ENHANCEMENTS AND UPDATES)


"I've been using the PFD since June 2021 and 2022 was the first full year that I used it. It's completely changed my outlook on my personal finances and I was able to save over $13k last year!"


“This podcast is my go-to for long drives, my morning runs, and my daily commute to the city. I can't get enough.”

- Katy


How do I access the template?

Once you purchase the PFD, you will gain access to your Teachable portal. Inside, you will be able to download the template and access all of the set-up videos and tutorials.

Do I have to have Excel to use the PFD?

Nope! The downloadable file is a .xlsx file, meaning you can use it in Excel if you'd like. You can also use it in Google Sheets and there are directions on how to do this! I use it in Google Sheets. 

Do I need to re-purchase the template each year?

Nope! The PFD is a one-time purchase and is designed to be dynamic, so each year you can re-use the template. You also get access to all updates to the template for free!

Can couples use this template?

Yes! You can use the PFD as a couples finance spreadsheet, or for your family budget. 

I'm not from the United States - can I still use the PFD?

Of course! I have people from all over the world who use the PFD. There are directions inside on how to change the currency and formatting based on your currency and preference. 

What if I have questions about how to use the PFD?

Inside, there is an entire library of set-up tutorials, directions, and FAQ guided videos to help you address any concern that comes up! You also gain access to a private Facebook community (monitored by ME) where you can ask questions, see how other people are using the template, and get insights or answers. If you are still unable to get your question answered, you can always send me an email!



A comprehensive roadmap to creating an annual plan for your finances! Over 4 weeks, learn how to effectively audit your accounts, build a comprehensive budget, set financial goals, and create a system that works for you. This course pairs beautifully with The Personal Finance Dashboard!

Whether you just started a side hustle or run a tenured small business, you need to take control of your business finances! The BYOB Template is a comprehensive business finance spreadsheet to help solopreneurs, creators, and small business owners manager their business finances!

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? The Own Your Career Template makes it easy to set your career goals, organize your week, and prepare for a promotion, raise, or job change. If you're looking to take your professional power back, you need to OWN YOUR CAREER!