Take your professional power back by owning your career goals, workflow, and promotion plan through a simple task-management system. 

You are your own best advocate at work. If you don't take your career into your own hands, no one will!

Join thousands of like-minded individuals taking their financial power back. Use the exact spreadsheet and method that took me from a negative $30,000 net worth to a $100K by age 25.

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Real Talk: How To Stand Up For What You Believe In

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The traditional, linear career path is dead. Go from feeling stuck at work to feeling empowered over the direction you choose to take your career!

"I already got a raise and recognized. It's been super helpful."

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Set Your Goals

Here's a peak inside.....

The Annual Career Goal tab is the ultimate career planner. With it, you can plan, prioritize, rank, and track your role-specific and broader career development goals. This comprehensive planning tab ensures that you are taking your career to the next level.

Track Your Projects

Struggling to keep your to-do list organized? Problem solved. With your weekly task tracker, you're able to monitor & prioritize your to-do list, any unplanned requests or follow-ups that come through, as well as measure your accomplishments and all of the value you bring to the table.

Score the Promotion

Using the projects, accomplishments, and value-add you've identified, you can track your progress towards a promotion into a higher-level role or towards a new job/company! The Promotion Tracker makes it easy to get clear on your career direction and ensure the work you do aligns with where you want go.


Why SHOULD YOU track your value-add at work?

Your value-add is the impact of the work you do. 

It includes the skills you possess, the people you help, and the way your work positively impacts the business or company you are working at. 

So WHY is this important?

1. You should be able to identify value for the majority of work you are doing. If you are unable to identify any value-add for 50% of your work or more, it's an indicator you may need to search for a new role!

2. You forget the majority of the work you do! When you have a running log not only of your projects but the impact those projects had, you can leverage them during important career conversations such as performance reviews or interviews. 


  • Comprehensive planning spreadsheet to set, track, monitor, and organize your career goals

  • An annual career planner so you can map out what you plan to accomplish, prioritize your goals, and ensure that all of your hard work is adding tangible value to your company

  • A weekly task tracker, so you never feel overwhelmed or disorganized at work again

  • A monthly review to summarize all of your accomplishments into digestible and impactful takeaways (that you can use on your resume or performance review!)

  • A promotion tracker, so can monitor your progress & advocate for yourself (and negotiate a raise!

  • In depth set-up tutorial, so you can ensure you are set up for easy maintenance and optimal insights.



A comprehensive roadmap to creating an annual plan for your finances! Over 4 weeks, learn how to effectively audit your accounts, build a comprehensive budget, set financial goals, and create a system that works for you. This course pairs beautifully with The Personal Finance Dashboard!

Whether you just started a side hustle or run a tenured small business, you need to take control of your business finances! The BYOB Template is a comprehensive business finance spreadsheet to help solopreneurs, creators, and small business owners manager their business finances!

The Personal Finance Dashboard is my signature financial planning tool! Learn how to manage and track every corner of your finances, and gain access to a 360° view of your financial future. Join thousands of others taking their financial power back with the PFD!