Tired of setting goals that you can't reach? Do you find yourself stuck in a cycle of creating a budget and never looking at it again, telling yourself that you'll get back to it "next month?"

Imagine that you can finally book the vacation, afford the new apartment, buy the jeans... because you’ve showed up for yourself consistently to improve your money, you've stuck to your budget, and you finally feel financially confident. 

Join the Break Your Budget Inner Circle and that reality is yours to take. 

Transform your relationship with your money through financial accountability 💸

Join thousands of like-minded individuals taking their financial power back. Use the exact spreadsheet and method that took me from a negative $30,000 net worth to a $100K by age 25.


Achieve Your Goals: Imagine reaching your goals faster through focused accountability sessions to stay on track. 

See Consistent Progress: Say goodbye to starting over next month. With me in your ear, you'll make steady strides towards your goals. 

Stay Motivated: When the going gets tough, I'm right there with you. Together we will turn your financial challenges into opportunities to grow!

Unleash Your Potential: You can achieve whatever you set your mind to. Empower yourself to unlock a new financial reality! 

Weekly Office Hours

Here's a peak inside.....

Weekly Office Hours are a space to gather and hold each other accountable to a weekly money review. Join Michela and other members of the community each Monday to share your wins, work through your weekly review, ask questions, and more!

Monthly Money Reviews

Get hands-on guidance each month to audit your finances. On the last Monday of the month, you can join Michela and the community for a live Monthly Review to review your progress, refine your plans, and set your goals!

Masterclasses + Workshops

Whether you want to learn about budget, retirement, investing, business finances, or something else, I've got you covered. Each month join us for a live workshop to continue furthering your financial education and empower you to make smarter financial decisions to improve your life!

...and so much more!


"Office hours was great last night! I had an unexpected large car repair expense last week that normally would have be avoiding my numbers for weeks - but the accountability group got me back in my PFD and I got to see it wasn't so bad! Keeping up weekly is such a game changer 🌟"


“This podcast is my go-to for long drives, my morning runs, and my daily commute to the city. I can't get enough.”

- Katy


  • Weekly LIVE office hours hosted by me! This is the only opportunity to have facetime directly with Michela and ask her questions.
  • Monthly Money Review workshops to ensure that you are properly examining every corner of your finances on a monthly basis to reach your goals!
  • Monthly workshops and masterclasses to focus on continuous education around specific financial topics. Workshops are hosted by Michela or a professional expert on the topic! 
  • Access to like-minded, financially-focused individuals working towards their financial goals!



Is this membership a monthly charge?

Yes, it is a monthly membership. I have made it a priority to keep the cost as low as possible so it remains accessible!

Is there a commitment?

Nope! You can cancel any time. 

Do I get 1:1 time with you?

At this point in time, I do not offer 1:1 consultations. If I do choose to offer these in the future, they will only be offered to members of the Inner Circle. 

What if I can't make the calls?

They are recorded and uploaded into the call library immediately afterwards with summaries of what we discussed! Once you join, you can access prior calls and masterclasses to review. 



A comprehensive roadmap to creating an annual plan for your finances! Over 4 weeks, learn how to effectively audit your accounts, build a comprehensive budget, set financial goals, and create a system that works for you. This course pairs beautifully with The Personal Finance Dashboard!

Whether you just started a side hustle or run a tenured small business, you need to take control of your business finances! The BYOB Template is a comprehensive business finance spreadsheet to help solopreneurs, creators, and small business owners manager their business finances!

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? The Own Your Career Template makes it easy to set your career goals, organize your week, and prepare for a promotion, raise, or job change. If you're looking to take your professional power back, you need to OWN YOUR CAREER!