CEO DIARIES: Advice to My Younger Self




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Hi, I'm Michela!


As part of the writing process for Own Your Career, I interviewed 5 tenured professionals who are CEOs, Executives, and Entrepreneurs to learn more about their careers, their advice, and what they look for when hiring young professionals. 

The ultimate goal of these conversations was to learn and gain perspective from people who have years of experience and what advice they’d give to their younger selves and young professionals today about how to succeed. 

Young adults in 2024 definitely have a different view of work, given we live in a different world with a harsher economy and a steeper mountain to climb to success. 

All that to say, I found the advice these professionals gave to be quite surprising!

I’m going to be sharing advice from 3 out of the 5 interviewees – if you want the other 3, you’ll have to order the book.

Let’s get into it!


“Write down what you’ve accomplished and be as quantitative and detailed as possible. When you’re writing a resumé, don’t talk about actions, talk about results and impact.”

Boy oh boy does this sound familiar… 😇

I often talk about the importance of task-tracking – and not only do I have a template for it called the Own Your Career Template – but there is almost an entire chapter in the book (Own Your Career) dedicated to creating a task-management system to do just this. 

Keeping track of your projects, accomplishments, value-add, an impact is ESSENTIAL to your career success. If you aren’t doing this, check out the Own Your Career Template!


“Support each other. Especially if you are a woman, support other women. Never be a part of bringing someone down, and don’t be afraid to bring someone up and highlight their success.”

Sounds cheesy, but supporting your colleagues and cheering them on can actually make a major difference in not only how you feel about work, but how you are perceived. 

Be the person who celebrates others. Don’t be afraid to give accolades or shout-out a co-worker when they help you. People remember how you make them feel, and nurturing relationships in this way can take you far.  


“Take more time to understand the opportunities that exist and where they can take you. Talk to more people, get more perspective, an evaluate how an opportunity can shape your career beyond the immediate term. The decision you’re making may not necessarily be one for the long term, but think about what you are trying to build on and let it take shape over time. ”

I loved this advice because we currently live in a world of instant gratification and have lost our ability to have patience. 

Career decisions are HARD and evaluating a choice beyond what you will gain from it immediately is a skill that has been lost. Sometimes, you need to make a short-term sacrifice for a long-term gain. 

I share my experience doing this inside Own Your Career, specifically the chapter where I discuss taking a pay cut and learning vs. earning!

As I inch closer and closer to 30 (I turn 29 this summer), I am becoming more reflective on all the lessons I’ve learned throughout my 20s. I so deeply wish that I had heard some of this advice when I was 23 and crying at work every day. 

If you’re struggling at work, hopefully some of this advice can help you. If you’re seeking additional support, consider ordering Own Your Career!

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